Rick Suffolk

IMPORTANT for Paypal Standard Users

If you use Paypal Standard to allow your ZenCart customers to make payments then this is vitally important to you.

F‍rom 1‍8 January 2‍017, PayPal Standard will no longer accept transactions with a purchase amount which includes a “comma” symbol. (ie: a comma such as a “thousands separator” in an amount such as $1,234.56)

What can I do about it?

This ONLY applies to Paypal Standard – not Paypal Express or Paypal Pro

As a Zencart store owner, you will need to make the following code changes :

Change “number_format(” to “round(” on the following lines of the files found in /includes/modules/payment:
Version 1.3.9:
– paypal.php line 261
– paypal/paypal_functions.php lines 951, 957, 962

Version 1.5.0:
– paypal.php line 261
– paypal/paypal_functions.php lines 960, 966, 971

Version 1.5.1:
– paypal.php line 262
– paypal/paypal_functions.php lines 960, 966, 971

Versions 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4:
– paypal.php line 270
– paypal/paypal_functions.php lines 960, 966, 971

Version 1.5.5:
– paypal.php line 270
– paypal/paypal_functions.php lines 966, 972, 977

If the above is meaningless to you or outside your comfort zone, We can make the changes for you for just £35 (+vat if applicable). To book the work, just click
Buy Now Link